Helping you achieve real results
Employers, universities and other educational institutions around the world recognise Cambridge English qualifications. These qualifications are valid for your lifetime and are internationally-recognised. Our Cambridge exam preparation courses will help you achieve real results. They are carefully designed to prepare you for the exam with the skills and knowledge for success.
- Improve your opportunities for future employment.
- Study at degree level an English-speaking university (CAE).
- Succeed in careers requiring a good level of English communication skills.
- Have a competitive advantage over other candidates in job applications.
- Obtain a qualification that will last forever.

Why take the Cambridge Exam Preparation courses?
- To improve your opportunities for future employment with an international certificate
- To study at an English-speaking university (CAE)
- To succeed in careers requiring a good level of English communication skills
- To have a competitive advantage over other candidates in job applications

Castle School Tutorials are individual and personal
These opportunities for students and teachers to speak more directly are very helpful. They are an important part of the learning experience at Castle School. Students can work with their teacher. Together they can reflect on the progress of the student. They can make sure that their educational needs are being met in the classroom. Tutorials are also a chance for students to talk to their teacher. They can discuss any feelings they may have about their lessons and the school.
We provide Castle School Tutorials because we know they are extremely beneficial. It is our mission to help students achieve their goals in the international community.